The Berlin Graduate School Muslim Cultures and Societies invites to their conference on
WHY WE (SHOULD) TRANSLATE SCIENCE AND PHILOSOPHY. Documents on the circumstances, politics, motives, and process of scientific translation in the West (of India) from Antiquity to the Renaissance“
Berlin, 24.–25. November 2016, convened by Dimirti Gutas, Beatrice Gründler and Manolis Ulbricht (SFB 980-project „Die Poetik des Aristoteles zwischen Europa und Islam“.
Venue: SFB 980, Schwendener Straße 8, 14195 Berlin
Please see the SFB website for the detailed conference online-programme.
Speakers include, among others:
Felix Mundt (Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin): Latin Translations of Greek Science and Philosophy
Daniel King (Cardiff University): Why Did the Syrians Want to Translate Greek Philosophy?
Mohsen Zakeri (Göttingen): Translations from Greek into Middle Persian and the Motivation behind Them
Uwe Vagelpohl (University of Warwick) and Ignacio Sánchez (University of Warwick): Take Wisdom from Whomever You Hear It: Arabic Sources on Translation
Hinrich Biesterfeldt (Bochum, Münster): Galen’s Quwā n-nafs revisited
Isabel Toral-Niehoff (Freie Universität Berlin, Universität Mainz): The Nabatean Agriculture by Ibn Wahshiyya –
a Pseudo-Translation by a Pseudo-Translator: The Topos of Translation in Occult Sciences
Anthony Kaldellis (Ohio State University): Anthology of Byzantine Reflections on the Circumstances, Politics, Motives, Purposes, and Process of Translation into Greek
Charles Burnett (Warburg Institute): Medieval Latin Translators from Arabic Explain Why and How They are Making Their Translations
Dag Nikolaus Hasse (Würzburg): Renaissance Scholars on Translating and Translations
Gad Freudenthal (CNRS Paris emeritus): Jewish Go-Betweens Reflect on Translating the Languages of Ismael and Edom into the Holy Tongue
Sponsored by the Einstein Stiftung Berlin and the
Berlin Graduate School Muslim Cultures and Societies,
Freie Universität Berlin, in Association with the Project
“Aristotle’s Poetics in the West (of India) from Antiquity
to the Renaissance”