Babylonian Medicine

Freie Universität Berlin

Archiv der Kategorie 'Allgemein'

Talmudic medicine project at 2016 SBL meeting San Antonio, Texas

The project A03 „The Transfer of Medical Episteme in the ‘Encyclopaedic’ Compilations of Late Antiquity”, run by BabMed Principal Investigator Prof. Markham J. Geller in the framework of the Comparative Research Center SFB 980 “Episteme in Motion”, is featured at the 2016 Annual Meeting of the Society of Biblical Literature (SBL) in San Antonio, Texas. […]

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Call for papers: 37. Treffen des Arbeitskreises „Alte Medizin“ in Mainz

Tanja Pommerening vom Institut für Altertumswissenschaften, Ägyptologie, der Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mänz lädt herzlich zum 37. Treffen des Arbeitskreises “Alte Medizin” am 1. und 2. Juli 2017 ein. Das Oberthema der Tagung lautet “Körper und die Medizin der Alten Welt.” Heutzutage werden menschliche Körper nicht nur als biologische, sondern vor allem auch als soziale Gebilde aufgefasst, […]

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Call for papers: Crises in Early Religions, Tartu University, June 2017

The Research Centre of Ancient Near Eastern and Mediterranean Cultures (CAEMC), with its seat at the University of Tartu, and the Institute of Ancient History and Ancient Near Eastern Studies, University of Innsbruck,  have the honour to invite researchers to submit proposals for the international research conference dedicated to Crises in Early Religions. The conference […]

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Le Journal des Médecines Cunéiformes, 2017 – N° 27

The 27th issue of the Journal des Médecines Cunéiformes is currently being delivered to subscribers.   Contents: Sona Choukassizian Eypper Diseases of the Feet in Babylonian-Assyrian Medicine. A Study of Text K.67+ p. 1-58   Strahil V. Panayotov Fragments of the Nineveh Medical Composition IGI join UGU p. 59-68   The editors of the Jounal […]

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SFB Workshop: Schreiber, Drucker und Handwerker als Akteure des Wissenswandels

On friday 10/21/2016, a bilateral workshop titled “Schreiber, Drucker und Handwerker als Akteure des Wissenswandels” will be held at the Freie Universität Berlin. The participants are part of the special research areas “SFB 933  Materiale Textkulturen” and “SFB 980  Episteme in Bewegung”. The workshop aims to shed light on the role of scribes, printers and […]

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Call for Papers: Sensing Divinity Incense, religion and the ancient sensorium

This international, interdisciplinary conference which will be held on 23-24 June 2017 in the British School at Rome and the École française de Rome will explore the history of a medium that has occupied a pivotal role in Mesopotamian, Greek, Roman and Judeo-Christian religious tradition: incense. The conference will be of interest to scholars working […]

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“The Individual and his Body in the Ancient Mediterranean Basin” — available via video conference

Conceptions and experiences of the body in ancient Egypt A Lecture and Video-Conference by Rune Nyord, Cambridge University   Thursday, September 29, 2016 4 p.m.-6 p.m. (Paris time) at the Ivry sur Seine CNRS building, 27 rue Paul Bert, Porte de Choisy/Porte d’Ivry subway station, room C in the basement or by distance through video-conference […]

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International Conference: Where does it Hurt? Ancient Medicine in Questions and Answers.

The conference, which brings together scholars of medical history and from related fields, such as classics, literary studies, linguistics, digital humanities, philosophy and psychology, wants to offer a better understanding of this multi-faceted and widely attested phenomenon of questions and answers in ancient medical literature, from the Hippocratic writers to Late Antiquity and its reception […]

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Women in the Ancient Near East, by BabMed project advisor Marten Stol

At <> is a downloadable new book: [Download EPUB format, on left; or by individual pdf chapters, on right] Stol, Marten Women in the Ancient Near East Translated by Helen Richardson-Hewitt & Mervyn Richardson ISBN 978-1-61451-263-9 x, 696 pages Hardcover ISBN 978-1-61451-323-0 € [D] 99.95 / US$ 140.00 / GBP 74.99* Women in the Ancient […]

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63rd RAI in Marburg: “Dealing with Antiquity – Past, Present, and Future”

The First Circular for the 63rd Rencontre Assryiologique Internationale, Marburg, has been posted at:     The University of Marburg has the honor to invite to the 63rd Rencontre Assyriologique Internationale to be held on July 24th through 28th, 2017. This will be the tenth time that the Rencontre meets in Germany. The theme […]

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