Babylonian Medicine

Freie Universität Berlin

Archiv der Kategorie 'Allgemein'

“Medicine in Bible and Talmud” EABS research unit, Leuven (Belgium), 17-20 July 2016

The panel “Medicine in Bible and Talmud” at the 2016 EABS Annual Meeting will take place on Tuesday, 19 July. It aims to offer a comparative perspective by keeping an eye on the embeddedness of medical discourses on illness and disease in their surrounding cultures. Such a perspective will allow for assessing Talmudic medical ideas […]

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International Medieval Congress 2016 – Special Strand: “Food, Feast & and Famine”

The conference takes place from 4-7 July 2016 at the University of Leeds. There will be also a panel for “Food and Health in Early Byzantine and Rabbinic Sources on July, 5 from 11.15-12.45. Works about regimen – proper nutrition, care of the body, and physical exercise – form a distinct genre in the corpus […]

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Journal des Médecines Cunéiformes available online now

The editors of the Jounal des Médecines Cunéiformes and BabMed project advisors Annie Attia and Gilles Buisson have made the earliest issues of JMC available online to be consulted via the internet. The web site is: <>.     Agnes Kloocke

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Veranstaltungsreihe mit Ronit Yoeli-Tlalim

Vom 20. bis 29. Juni ist als Fellow des SFB 980 “Episteme in Bewegung” Frau Dr. Ronit Yoeli-Tlalim aus London Gastforscherin am Teilprojekt A03(Geller/van der Eijk: Talmudische und Byzantinische Medizin). Sie wird in diversen Formaten (Workshops/ Vortrag) über ihre Forschung zum ersten hebräischen Medizinwerk (Sefer Assaf) und demTransfer medizinischen Wissens zwischen Ost und West sprechen. […]

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“Wakers not Watchers”

im Rahmen der Seminar-Reihe “Visitors to Heaven, Visitors from Heaven – Judeo-Christian Encounters and the Last Lingua Sacra of Europe” wird Markham J. Geller, Principal Investigator von BabMed – Babylonian Medicine, einen Vortrag halten mit dem Titel “Wakers not Watchers”. Das Seminar ist Teil des “German-Israel Fund (GIF) Projects. Vortragszeit: Mittwoch, 15.06.2016, 18 Uhr ct. […]

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Dr. Sara Fani, Univ. Copenhagen: On Arabic Bookbinding

Dr. Sara Fani, University of Copenhagen   Arabic Medieval Manuals between Technical and Literary Approach Thursday, 16 June 2016 Room 2.2063, Fabeckstraße 23-25, 14195 Berlin 6 p.m. c.t. Among the sources for the codicological studies, the textual sources related to the craft of the book assume a particular importance. Since the very first centuries of […]

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Early Byzantine Encyclopaedias of Medicine: Problems and Perspectives

On May 27, 2016 a SFB 980-Episteme in Bewegung – workshop on Early Byzantine Medicine is to be held at the Humboldt University, Unter den Linden 6, Room 2070 A. Speakers are: Philip van der Eijk, Eric Gowling, Irene Calà, Matteo Martelli, Gabrielle Lherminier and Christine Salazar. Please note the conference flyer for more detailed […]

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Al-Razi, Ibn Sina and the Canon of Medicine

Part of al Jazeera’s series, Science in the Golden Age, at Several programs of (about 25′) videos can be found there, the latest being, “Al-Razi, Ibn Sina and the Canon of Medicine.” (We explore the links between medical research in the Golden Age of Science and the modern practise of medicine today.)     […]

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Reimaging Babylon: Birmingham Assyriology 2nd Annual Symposium; 13th May 2016

BabMed project advisor Henry Stadhouders, Universiteit Utrecht, will give a talk on ‘Dream Rituals’ at the Birmingham Assyriology 2nd Annual Symposium in May 2016:   Reimaging Babylon: Birmingham Assyriology 2nd Annual Symposium Friday 13th May University of Birminham, Arts Lecture Room 1 Please register by emailing <>, and provide your name and institution. 10-10:30 – […]

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Nothing else matters? – Describing, Classifying, and Transforming Natural Substances in Ancient Science

At this year’s annual meeting of the American Association for the History of Medicine (AAHM) in Minneapolis, Matteo Martelli and Lennart Lehmhaus convene a panel on pre-modern medicine and alchemy that combines comparative case studies and theoretical discussions. Both scholars are affiliated with the Berlin research project at the SFB 980 on Talmudic and Byzantine […]

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