Babylonian Medicine

Freie Universität Berlin

Archiv der Kategorie 'Allgemein'

14. Christlich-Jüdische Sommeruniversität: Vortrag M.J. Geller

Vom 25. bis 27. August 2015 findet die 14. Christlich-Jüdische Sommeruniversität zum Thema “Der Eine und die Vielen. Messiaskonzeptionen im Judentum und Christentum” in Berlin statt. BabMed-Projektleiter Prof. M.J. Geller ist mit einem Vortrag ‘The Birth of the Messiah by the River of Babylon” am Mittwoch, 26. August 2015 auf der Veranstaltung vertreten. Weitere informationen […]

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Greek Diet, Health, and Medicine in the Roman world: Integration and Analysis of the Archaeological and Literary Material

This international conference takes places at the University of Exeter, Devon, UK, 9- 11 September 2015. Concepts and attitudes towards diet, health, and medicine in the Roman world were heavily influenced by Greek beliefs and practices. Later Greek and Roman medical writers such as Galen built upon a Greek foundation and followed existing traditions. Yet […]

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Call for papers: Medicine and Philosophy in Antiquity

This conference will take place from October 1-3, 2015 at St. Norbert College in DePere, Wisconsin. Its organizers seek original contributions from scholars working on any aspect of the mutual exchange between medical theory and philosophical argument in the ancient Greek and Roman worlds. Recent PhDs or advanced graduate students especially encouraged. Keynote speakers are […]

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Philosophy and Dietetics in the Hippocratic ‘On Regimen’

This book by Hynek Bartoš on Philosophy and Dietetics in the Hippocratic ‘On Regimen’ was published recently by Brill: “It offers the first extended study published in English on the Hippocratic treatise On Regimen, one of the most important pre-Platonic documents of the discussion of human nature and other topics at the intersection of ancient […]

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No more dog biscuits: a new life for Ashurbanipal’s Library

Visitors to Room 55 in the British Museum (London), the Raymond and Beverly Sackler Gallery of Mesopotamia 1500–539 BC will find a radically transformed display. Often the galleries struggle to match the impact of temporary exhibitions, but over the last year a team of curators, designers, interpretation officers, conservators, assistant collections managers and others have […]

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Berlin scholars at EABS congress (Cordoba)

At the meeting of the European Biblical Association (EABS) in Cordoba (12.-15.7.2015), Prof. Florentina Badalanova Geller (TOPOI excellence cluster, Freie Universität Berlin) will present her work about “The Folk Bible”. Berlin researcher Lennart Lehmhaus (from SFB 980 project A03 run by Prof. Philip van der Eijk and BabMed Principal Investigator Markham J. Geller) shall talk […]

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BabMed Annual Workshop 2: Healing through Fumigation…

BabMed Annual Workshop 2: Healing  through Fumigation in Mesopotamia and the Ancient World. Workshop programme: FUMIGATION_final programme_ BabMed Annual Workshop 2015

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International Conference on Ancient Magic

Egyptian and Jewish Magic in Antiquity Contexts, Contacts, Continuities and Comparisons – A Collaborative International Conference in Ancient Magic Time and Place 6th-9th July, 2015, University of Bonn (In cooperation with the Tel Aviv University)   The topics adressed at this collaborative conference will be the continuity and changes in  Pharaonic, Greco-Roman, Coptic-Christian, Jewish and […]

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Medical History conference at MPIWG Berlin

“Towards a History of Epistemic Genres: Textbook and Commentary, Case and Recipe in the Making of Medical Knowledge” is the title of the conference on Medical History held at Max Planck Institut für Wissenschaftsgeschichte on Friday 26 and Saturday 27 June 2015. The hosts Yvonne Wübben (Freie Universität Berlin) and Gianna Pomata (Johns Hopkins University […]

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II CHAM International Conference: “Diet and Regimen in the Two Talmudic Traditions from Palestine and Babylonia”

The II CHAM International Conference with the keynote theme “Knowledge Transfer and Cultural Exchanges will” take place 15-18 July 2015, in Lisabon. Dr. des Lennart Lehmhaus (SFB 980) und Tanja Hidde, M.A. (BabMed) will participate in the panel “Medical knowledge in motion: exchange, transformation and iteration in the medical traditions of the Late Antique Mediterranean […]

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