Helping Wildlife in France

‘Wildlife co-exists alongside humans and domestic animals. Wildlife populates ecosystems across the planet, whether it be in the seas, or roaming freely across forests and savannahs. Each species contributes to the balance of the ecosystem they live in. The health of wildlife is deeply entwined with the health of other animals, the environment and even humans. By protecting wildlife health, we safeguard biodiversity- and invest in a healthier, more sustainable future.’

WOAH, as the global authority on animal health, plays a pivotal role in addressing emerging issues in animal health, including those related to wildlife. The Wildlife Health Program (WHP) was established to promote the growth of surveillance systems for wildlife health and advocate for increased importance and visibility.

The internship took place during the start of the implementation phase of the Wildlife Health Framework (WHF) – an important time of change as WOAH (traditionally founded and connected to livestock trade) expanded its focus to wildlife health. While stepping up as an ally, WOAH advocates that wildlife is NOT the main cause of pathogen transmission but rather human social behavior and the anthropogenic drivers of disease emergence (e.g. deforestation and intensive farming).

During my internship, I was actively involved in the six outputs of the WHF:
1 Promotes multisectoral coordination and collaboration.
2 Strengthen capacity in wildlife health management.
3 Improve reporting and analysis of quality wildlife health data.
4 Update and develop relevant international standards and guidelines.
5 Dissemination of scientific knowledge.
6 Awareness and advocacy.

My main task was to develop a methodology and conduct an analysis and needs assessment on stakeholders involved in wildlife trade, along the supply chain and wildlife health surveillance activities. This assessment is part of the overall baseline and stocktaking exercise that will provide a solid foundation to inform decision making during the implementation of the program. Besides that, the insights will help close gaps through a better understanding and collaboration with key partners.

Next to this I participated in the Global Conference on Emergency Management and supported at the General Session, the EBO-SURSY meeting and the symposium preparations, the Wildlife Working Group meeting and the 4 Horizon Scanning. I also gained insights into the organization’s day-to-day business and got familiar with the administrative and organizational structures.

My internship at the WOAH’s Wildlife Health Program was an invaluable experience that allowed me to contribute to wildlife health activities and deepen my insights into the processes of global policy making. This internship not only enhanced my academic knowledge but also provided me with practical skills and insights that will undoubtedly influence my future career.

I am grateful to the Wildlife Health Program team for providing me with this opportunity, and I look forward to continuing supporting the Program’s mission of building a healthier world away from consuming, toward a sustainable and responsible way of living on a healthy planet.

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