Biochemistry Internship in Berlin

I received an internship offer in Germany from the head of the department where I am studying and immediately accepted. It seemed like three months of missile-free life in a new country, participating in an interesting project, which was super unusual for me.

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Helping Wildlife in France

‘Wildlife co-exists alongside humans and domestic animals. Wildlife populates ecosystems across the planet, whether it be in the seas, or roaming freely across forests and savannahs. Each species contributes to the balance of the ecosystem they live in. The health of wildlife is deeply entwined with the health of other animals, the environment and even humans. By protecting wildlife health, we safeguard biodiversity- and invest in a healthier, more sustainable future.’

WOAH, as the global authority on animal health, plays a pivotal role in addressing emerging issues in animal health, including those related to wildlife. The Wildlife Health Program (WHP) was established to promote the growth of surveillance systems for wildlife health and advocate for increased importance and visibility.

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Praktikum an der Izmir University of Economics

Während meines Erasmus+ Traineeships an der Izmir University of Economics hatte ich die Gelegenheit, wertvolle Erfahrungen zu sammeln und einen tiefen Einblick in wissenschaftliche Forschung und wirtschaftliche Entwicklungsthemen zu gewinnen. Mein Traineeship fand unter der Betreuung von Professor Dr. Alper Duman statt, der mich während meines Aufenthalts hervorragend unterstützte.
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Biology internship in the Netherlands

This past winter I did a biology internship at the University of Leiden in the Netherlands. To find the internship, I searched online for ongoing research in universities and companies in the Netherlands. When I found topics that seem interesting, I’ve sent an email to the professors/ companies asking If they had any vacant spots for an internship. „Biology internship in the Netherlands“ weiterlesen

Library Internship in Paris

During my internship at a library in Paris, I was able to gain a wealth of knowledge on the archival process of collecting cultural institutions. It shored up my studies at Freie by helping me to understand which historical documents and texts an institution deems necessary for acquisition, retention and preservation. For instance, while processing „Library Internship in Paris“ weiterlesen