Forschungspraktikum an der Harvard Medical School, Boston

Während meines Biochemiestudiums habe ich bereits mehrfach die Möglichkeit ergriffen, Kurse und Praktika im Ausland zu absolvieren. Daher war ich auch sehr darum bemüht mein letztes Forschungsprojekt außerhalb Deutschlands durchzuführen. Durch die ERASMUS+ weltweit Förderung wurde es mir ermöglicht, für 6 Monate in Boston, USA, zu leben. Ich durfte in einem Labor der Harvard Medical School am Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH) lernen und forschen.

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A Biochemistry Student’s Experience at the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm

Interested in studying abroad? Then I might be able to convince you to select Stockholm as your next destination.

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Molekularbiologische Forschung in Innsbruck

Mein Praktikum in Innsbruck war eine fantastische Gelegenheit, um mein Wissen und meine Fähigkeiten im Bereich der molekularen Biologie erheblich zu erweitern. Während meiner Zeit im Labor habe ich an verschiedenen Projekten gearbeitet, darunter Klonierungsexperimente und die Konstruktion spezifischer Plasmide, die in meiner Masterarbeit eine zentrale Rolle spielten.

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In den Laboren der Boston University: Forschen und Leben in Boston

Ich habe meinen 6-monatigen Erasmus+ Aufenthalt in Boston, Massachusetts verbracht. Ich habe mich für Boston entschieden, weil ich Familie habe, die dort wohnt und bei denen ich wohnen konnte. „In den Laboren der Boston University: Forschen und Leben in Boston“ weiterlesen

Research at the Max Perutz Labs in Vienna

I’m a master’s student of biochemistry and Erasmus+ funding enabled me to work in a structural biochemistry lab at the Max Perutz Labs Vienna from February to August 2024.

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Exploring Asymmetric Catalysis at ICIQ in Spain

Before being ICIQ, I had already known it is an outstanding chemical research institute among the whole Europe. Additionally, I also reviewed some of the research papers from not only Prof. Suero but also other research groups. There are diverse research topics in ICIQ, but the one I have the greatest interests in is asymmetric catalysis. As long as I received the suggestion from my supervisor, I had no hesitate to contact Prof. Suero. After a short interview, Prof. Suero provided me with lots of help during my application.

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Research Internship at the University of Gothenburg

Since the beginning of my Bachelor’s degree, I had planned to spend time abroad during my studies. However, as the Bachelor’s degree course in chemistry is very strictly timetabled with practical courses every semester, I planned to complete a research internship abroad during my Master’s degree. Scandinavia was a country that had interested me for some time and where I could imagine emigrating to in the future.

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Discovering the Intersection of Music and Science in Cambridge

During the summer of 2024, I completed a two-month compulsory internship at the Centre for Music and Science at the University of Cambridge. As a student of cognitive neuroscience and an enthusiast of choral singing and classical music, the research carried out by this faculty is very attractive to me. „Discovering the Intersection of Music and Science in Cambridge“ weiterlesen

Praktikum im Bereich der Photochemie in Bologna

Dank des Erasmus+ Stipendiums hatte ich die Möglichkeit, ein dreimonatiges Forschungspraktikum im Bereich der Photochemie an der Universität Bologna zu absolvieren. In diesem Bericht möchte ich meine Erfahrungen und Erkenntnisse während dieser spannenden Zeit teilen.

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Research Internship at Universidad Miguel Hernández de Elche

During my one-month traineeship at Prof. Felix Viana’s lab, my primary objectives were to investigate the role of the extended N-terminal part of the protein in naked mole rats using the patch clamp technique and to explore whether different isoforms of the same protein interact with each other through calcium imaging.

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