My time in Uppsala has been incredibly pleasant and rewarding. I arrived in July, at a time when most of the students and residents of the city were away on their summer holidays. The city initially felt quite empty, which was a bit odd at first. However, this gave me a unique opportunity to experience Uppsala from a different perspective—quieter and more serene.
Schlagwort: Schweden
Research Internship at the Karolinska Institute
I completed my 3-months-internship at the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm. I worked in the Department of Medical Biochemistry and Biophysics, in the Molecular Metabolism division. I worked directly with a team consisting of a Postdoc and a PhD student. The group’s research aims to understand the regulatory mechanisms of mitochondrial DNA and RNA metabolism, as well as their effects on gene expression and RNA degradation in mitochondria.
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A Biochemistry Student’s Experience at the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm
Interested in studying abroad? Then I might be able to convince you to select Stockholm as your next destination.
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Research Internship at the University of Gothenburg
Since the beginning of my Bachelor’s degree, I had planned to spend time abroad during my studies. However, as the Bachelor’s degree course in chemistry is very strictly timetabled with practical courses every semester, I planned to complete a research internship abroad during my Master’s degree. Scandinavia was a country that had interested me for some time and where I could imagine emigrating to in the future.
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Internship at a farm in Sweden
Quiet nature, Midsommar and Fika – is what comes to mind when I think about my time in Sweden. Through the Erasmus+ Internship program, I was able to spend 2 months up north during my bachelor’s at the FU Berlin.
Studying Biology and having read lots of books on regenerative agriculture, I was certain about what I want to do for my Erasmus Internship. I also knew I wanted to see the Scandinavian nature, which is why I decided to spend my days abroad in Sweden.
Internship at the V-Dem Institute in Sweden
I spent ten weeks as an intern at the Varieties of Democracy Institute (V-Dem), located at the University of Gothenburg in Sweden. V-Dem is internationally renowned for its complex and methodologically robust measurement of democracy, which it achieves by processing large volumes of expert-coded data through its measurement model, resulting in the annually updated V-Dem dataset. The dataset offers fine-grained measures of various aspects of democracy for virtually every country in the world from as far back as 1789. In all this, the V-Dem Institute in Gothenburg serves as the backbone of the wider V-Dem project, made up of numerous affiliated researchers, methods experts, regional coordinators, and country experts all over the world.
Experimenting at Karolinska Institute in Sweden
I spend almost 7 months in Stockholm at the Karolinska Institute to perform experiments for my master’s thesis.
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6 Monate in Stockholm, Schweden
Mein 6-monatiges Auslandspraktikum (2x 12 Wochen Lab Rotations) mit anschließender 6-monatiger Masterarbeit, im Rahmen meines Masterstudiengangs Biochemie, habe ich am Karolinska Institut und
dem „Science for Life Laboratory“ (SciLifeLab) in Stockholm, Schweden absolviert. Insgesamt war ich von September 2022 bis Oktober 2023 in Stockholm.
Forschen am Karolinska Institut in Schweden
Üblich beginnt man einen Bericht oder eine Geschichte am Anfang, ich werde das anders machen. Mir hat es in Stockholm am Karolinska Institut so gut gefallen, dass ich hier für meinen PhD bleiben werde und das nicht ohne gute Gründe!
Praktikum in einem Wissenschaftszentrum in Abisko
Dieser Bericht widmet sich meinem dreimonatigen Praktikum an der Abisko naturvetenskapliga station (ANS) in Abisko, Schwedisch-Lappland, im Sommer 2023. Mit der Gründung der Abisko Scientific Research Station 1913 wurde der Grundstein für ein mitterweile international genutztes, multidisziplinäres Wissenschaftszentrum gelegt. Nachdem vor über 100 Jahren mit kontinuierlichen Boden- und Luft- Temperaturmessungen an mehreren Standorten in der Umgebung begonnen wurde, wird heute neben meteorologischer Datenerfassung auch unter anderem die Limnologie, Ökologie und Geologie der einzigartigen subarktischen Umgebung erforscht.
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