Forschungspraktikum an der Universität Wien

I am delighted to have the opportunity to participate in a two-month Erasmus+ internship, working with a research group at the Institute of Pharmacy, University of Vienna. As a doctoral student, I value the chance to learn from and collaborate with individuals from other research groups. My home group specializes in traditional computer-aided drug design (CADD), while the group I worked with during my internship focused more on novel AI drug design. This opportunity allowed me to gain a better understanding of the different methods used to address research questions within the same field, and facilitated future collaboration between groups.

Over the course of my internship, I acquired new skills related to machine learning and handling large data sets. I worked closely with my supervisor and colleagues, who hailed from different parts of the world, including Brazil, China, France, Germany, Greece, Iran, Italy, and Spain. We all introduced ourselves and shared insights from our original research groups, and I was impressed by the sense of community among visiting students like me. I actively participated in group activities, honing my teamwork skills while learning fundamental techniques. The supervisor was particularly supportive and helpful, and I will keep in touch with him to explore the possibility of future research collaborations and potential publications.

It is very pleasant to live and study in Vienna. Vienna is a charming city with a plethora of transportation options that make it easy to explore all it has to offer. The local cuisine is fantastic, and there are many restaurants to choose from, including those from other regions.

In addition to the beautiful cityscape, Vienna has many natural landscapes nearby the Danube River. Hiking in the early spring is particularly lovely, with the fresh air and blossoming flowers making it a perfect activity for nature lovers. I visited one of the hiking places nearby Leopolsberg, from there you can even collect stamps for the routes you have visited.

Vienna is also home to many wonderful places to visit, including museums, galleries, opera houses, and theaters. The Albertina Museum, for example, has an impressive collection of masterpieces from Monet, while the ‘Haus der Musik’ is a must-see attraction for those interested in exploring the city’s musical heritage, which introduces the life the famous musicians who lived in Vienna, you can even pretend directing the digital orchestra with some new techniques in the museum. As vienna is known as the city of music, there are many venues to enjoy live performances, including the State Opera House and the Konzerthaus, Musikverein, where the annual new year concert is held.

If you’ve ever watched the movie ‚Before Sunrise,‘ you’ll appreciate how romantic the city itself can be. Strolling through Vienna’s elegant old palaces and streets, it’s easy to feel as though you’ve been transported back in time. The city’s architecture and history evoke images of old-world elegance, and I couldn’t help but recall the classic movie ‚Sisi‘ while exploring the city.

Overall, I am grateful for the opportunity to have participated in this internship and for the valuable lessons I learned while working with this research group. The experience has enriched my perspective, and I look forward to collaborating with colleagues from both traditional and novel drug design methodologies in the future.


Tipps für andere Praktikant:innen

As a PhD student, the most important preparation is to get the things going on in our own position under control. For example set up the ssh remote connection of the working station and vpn connection before we go.

Beantragung Visum
I didn’t apply for Visa within EU.

As a PhD student, it is always important to make connection with people in the same field. Looking for a research group aboard with same field but with different methods always help. Read papers and choose the PI/group would be nice idea.

I find my place from ‘housing anywhere’ and Airbnb. It is also a nice idea to ask the host group for advice.

I didn’t buy extra insurance for my stay in Vienna. My private insurance in Germany still works.

Formalitäten vor Ort

My German SIM card still works.

My German account also works. Paypal is also well applied.


There are many nice places to visit in Vienna. Museums, gallery, opera house and theater. For different types of performance that you can find possible discount for student under 27 in the APP “TICKET gretchen”. There are also many natural scenery in Vienna, it is nice to go hiking in the weekends.


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