Im letzten Jahr hatte ich die Chance, ein Jahr lang im ICF Zürich im Kids-Bereich mitzuarbeiten. Es war eine lehrreiche und prägende Zeit, die ich nicht missen möchte. Hier möchte ich meine Erfahrungen und Eindrücke mit euch teilen.
Kategorie: Praktikum Europa
Research at the Max Perutz Labs in Vienna
I’m a master’s student of biochemistry and Erasmus+ funding enabled me to work in a structural biochemistry lab at the Max Perutz Labs Vienna from February to August 2024.
Im Schatten der Antike: Praktikum im Ipogeo dei Cristallini in Neapel
Vom ersten Mai 2024 bis zum ersten August 2024 durfte ich ein dreimonatiges ABV-Praktikum im Rahmen meines Geschichtsstudiums in der archäologischen Ausstellung Ipogeo dei Cristallini in Neapel absolvieren, welche ich zuvor schon einmal bei einem Urlaub besucht hatte.
„Im Schatten der Antike: Praktikum im Ipogeo dei Cristallini in Neapel“ weiterlesen
Internship at SNF in Athens
Always considering the incredible opportunity that an internship abroad represents, I had long planned to explore options in Athens, knowing that I wanted to live in Greece and take a shot at learning the language. After finishing my bachelor’s thesis, I moved to Athens for a language course and enjoyed it so much that I began seeking opportunities in the city to complete my degree. „Internship at SNF in Athens“ weiterlesen
Exploring Asymmetric Catalysis at ICIQ in Spain
Before being ICIQ, I had already known it is an outstanding chemical research institute among the whole Europe. Additionally, I also reviewed some of the research papers from not only Prof. Suero but also other research groups. There are diverse research topics in ICIQ, but the one I have the greatest interests in is asymmetric catalysis. As long as I received the suggestion from my supervisor, I had no hesitate to contact Prof. Suero. After a short interview, Prof. Suero provided me with lots of help during my application.
„Exploring Asymmetric Catalysis at ICIQ in Spain“ weiterlesen
Research Internship at the University of Gothenburg
Since the beginning of my Bachelor’s degree, I had planned to spend time abroad during my studies. However, as the Bachelor’s degree course in chemistry is very strictly timetabled with practical courses every semester, I planned to complete a research internship abroad during my Master’s degree. Scandinavia was a country that had interested me for some time and where I could imagine emigrating to in the future.
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Internship at a farm in Sweden
Quiet nature, Midsommar and Fika – is what comes to mind when I think about my time in Sweden. Through the Erasmus+ Internship program, I was able to spend 2 months up north during my bachelor’s at the FU Berlin.
Studying Biology and having read lots of books on regenerative agriculture, I was certain about what I want to do for my Erasmus Internship. I also knew I wanted to see the Scandinavian nature, which is why I decided to spend my days abroad in Sweden.
Praktische Kunstgeschichte: Ein Blick hinter die Kulissen von Tangent Projects in Barcelona
Nach dem Abschluss meines Studiums der Kunstgeschichte war es mir wichtig Arbeitserfahrung zu sammeln, um mich auf meinen weiteren beruflichen Weg vorzubereiten. Ein Erasmus Auslandspraktikum war für mich der beste Weg meine fachlichen Kenntnisse auszuweiten und gleichzeitig neue kulturelle Erfahrungen zu sammeln.
Ich bewarb mich bei der Non-Profit Galerie Tangent Projects in Barcelona, weil ich mich mit den Werten und Interessen der Organisation identifizieren konnte.
Internship at the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung in Brussels
“You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself any direction you choose. You’re on your own. And you know what you know. And YOU are the [person] who’ll decide where to go.” – Dr. Seuss, Oh, the Places You’ll Go!
During my internship at the European office of the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung e.V. (FES), I experienced firsthand the remarkable impact of Germany’s largest and oldest party-affiliated foundation. Rooted in the core values of social democracy — freedom, justice, and solidarity — FES is a powerhouse of political education, strategic think tank initiatives, international cooperation, scholarships for underprivileged students, and the preservation of social democracy’s history.
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Praktikum im Bereich der Photochemie in Bologna
Dank des Erasmus+ Stipendiums hatte ich die Möglichkeit, ein dreimonatiges Forschungspraktikum im Bereich der Photochemie an der Universität Bologna zu absolvieren. In diesem Bericht möchte ich meine Erfahrungen und Erkenntnisse während dieser spannenden Zeit teilen.
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