Area Adjusted Accuracies

The area of land cover change obtained from a map may differ greatly from the true area of change because of misclassifications in your map. In regard of this, Olofsson et al. published two papers in 2013 and 2014, introducing an error-adjusted estimator of area, that can be easily produced once an accuracy assessment has been performed and an error matrix was constructed. Furthermore, they provide a confidence interval for the area of land change to quantify the uncertainty of the estimations. The following script reproduces the findings of Olofsson et al. 2014.

What do you need?

  • your classification map
  • your training shapefile
  • your validation shapefile

What do you get?

  • error-adjusted area estimates of your classes
  • confidence intervals for all accuracies

The script is commented comprehensively and the equations from the paper are marked accordingly in the comments of this script.

# area adjusted accuracy assessment 
# calculated as in Olofsson et al. 2014


# import classification image and train and validation shapefiles
img.class <- raster("classification_RF.tif")
shp.train <- shapefile("training_data.shp")
shp.valid <- shapefile("validation_RF.shp")

# create regular accuracy matrix 
confmat <- table(as.factor(extract(img.class, shp.valid)), as.factor(shp.valid$validclass))
# get number of pixels per class and convert in km²
imgVal <- as.factor(getValues(img.class))
nclass <- length(unique(shp.train$classes))
maparea <- sapply(1:nclass, function(x) sum(imgVal == x))
maparea <- maparea * res(img.class)[1] ^ 2 / 1000000

# set confidence interval
conf <- 1.96

# total  map area
A <- sum(maparea)
# proportion of area mapped as class i
W_i <- maparea / A
# number of reference points per class
n_i <- rowSums(confmat) 
# population error matrix (Eq.4)
p <- W_i * confmat / n_i
p[] <- 0

# area estimation
p_area <- colSums(p) * A
# area estimation confidence interval (Eq.10)
p_area_CI <- conf * A * sqrt(colSums((W_i * p - p ^ 2) / (n_i - 1))) 

# overall accuracy (Eq.1)
OA <- sum(diag(p))
# producers accuracy (Eq.2)
PA <- diag(p) / colSums(p)
# users accuracy (Eq.3)
UA <- diag(p) / rowSums(p)

# overall accuracy confidence interval (Eq.5)
OA_CI <- conf * sqrt(sum(W_i ^ 2 * UA * (1 - UA) / (n_i - 1)))
# user accuracy confidence interval (Eq.6)
UA_CI <- conf * sqrt(UA * (1 - UA) / (n_i - 1)) 
# producer accuracy confidence interval (Eq.7)
N_j <- sapply(1:nclass, function(x) sum(maparea / n_i * confmat[ , x]) )
tmp <- sapply(1:nclass, function(x) sum(maparea[-x] ^ 2 * confmat[-x, x] / n_i[-x] * ( 1 - confmat[-x, x] / n_i[-x]) / (n_i[-x] - 1)) )
PA_CI <- conf * sqrt(1 / N_j ^ 2 * (maparea ^ 2 * ( 1 - PA ) ^ 2 * UA * (1 - UA) / (n_i - 1) + PA ^ 2 * tmp))

# gather results
result <- matrix(c(p_area, p_area_CI, PA * 100, PA_CI * 100, UA * 100, UA_CI * 100, c(OA * 100, rep(NA, nclass-1)), c(OA_CI * 100, rep(NA, nclass-1))), nrow = nclass)
result <- round(result, digits = 2) 
rownames(result) <- levels(as.factor(shp.train$classes))
colnames(result) <- c("km²", "km²±", "PA", "PA±", "UA", "UA±", "OA", "OA±")
class(result) <- "table"

img.class <- raster("classification_RF.tif")
shp.train <- shapefile("training_data.shp")
shp.valid <- shapefile("validation_RF.shp")

confmat <- table(as.factor(extract(img.class, shp.valid)), as.factor(shp.valid$validclass))
##      1  2  3  4  5  6
##   1 31  0  7  2  5  0
##   2  0 47  2  0  0  1
##   3  0  7 39  0  4  0
##   4  0  0  0 40  9  0
##   5  0  0  1  2 47  0
##   6  0  0  0  0  0 49

imgVal <- as.factor(getValues(img.class))
## [1] 5 5 5 5 5 5
## Levels: 1 2 3 4 5 6

nclass <- length(unique(shp.train$classes))
## [1] 6

maparea <- sapply(1:nclass, function(x) sum(imgVal == x))
## [1]  26741 121740  36345 129130 185222  19942

maparea <- maparea * res(img.class)[1] ^ 2 / 1000000
## [1]  24.0669 109.5660  32.7105 116.2170 166.6998  17.9478

conf <- 1.96

A <- sum(maparea)
## [1] 467.208

W_i <- maparea / A
## [1] 0.05151217 0.23451225 0.07001271 0.24874788 0.35679997 0.03841501

n_i <- rowSums(confmat) 
##  1  2  3  4  5  6 
## 45 50 50 49 50 49

p <- W_i * confmat / n_i
p[] <- 0
round(p, digits = 4)
##          1      2      3      4      5      6
##   1 0.0355 0.0000 0.0080 0.0023 0.0057 0.0000
##   2 0.0000 0.2204 0.0094 0.0000 0.0000 0.0047
##   3 0.0000 0.0098 0.0546 0.0000 0.0056 0.0000
##   4 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.2031 0.0457 0.0000
##   5 0.0000 0.0000 0.0071 0.0143 0.3354 0.0000
##   6 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0384

p_area <- colSums(p) * A
##         1         2         3         4         5         6 
##  16.57942 107.57151  36.97457 102.60865 183.33473  20.13912

p_area_CI <- conf * A * sqrt(colSums((W_i * p - p ^ 2) / (n_i - 1))) 
##         1         2         3         4         5         6 
##  3.292170  7.948700  9.994001 15.744342 17.208163  4.294987

OA <- sum(diag(p))
## [1] 0.8874041

PA <- diag(p) / colSums(p)
##         1         2         3         4         5         6 
## 1.0000000 0.9574286 0.6900470 0.9245908 0.8547088 0.8911909

UA <- diag(p) / rowSums(p)
##         1         2         3         4         5         6 
## 0.6888889 0.9400000 0.7800000 0.8163265 0.9400000 1.0000000

OA_CI <- conf * sqrt(sum(W_i ^ 2 * UA * (1 - UA) / (n_i - 1)))
## [1] 0.04079462

UA_CI <- conf * sqrt(UA * (1 - UA) / (n_i - 1)) 
##          1          2          3          4          5          6 
## 0.13679244 0.06649632 0.11598896 0.10954451 0.06649632 0.00000000

N_j <- sapply(1:nclass, function(x) sum(maparea / n_i * confmat[ , x]) )
tmp <- sapply(1:nclass, function(x) sum(maparea[-x] ^ 2 * confmat[-x, x] / n_i[-x] * ( 1 - confmat[-x, x] / n_i[-x]) / (n_i[-x] - 1)) )
PA_CI <- conf * sqrt(1 / N_j ^ 2 * (maparea ^ 2 * ( 1 - PA ) ^ 2 * UA * (1 - UA) / (n_i - 1) + PA ^ 2 * tmp))
##          1          2          3          4          5          6 
## 0.00000000 0.02843232 0.17545912 0.08399238 0.06198829 0.19006061

result <- matrix(c(p_area, p_area_CI, PA * 100, PA_CI * 100, UA * 100, UA_CI * 100, c(OA * 100, rep(NA, nclass-1)), c(OA_CI * 100, rep(NA, nclass-1))), nrow = nclass)
result <- round(result, digits = 2) 
rownames(result) <- levels(as.factor(shp.train$classes))
colnames(result) <- c("km²", "km²±", "PA", "PA±", "UA", "UA±", "OA", "OA±")
class(result) <- "table"
##              km²   km²±     PA    PA±     UA    UA±     OA    OA±
## baresoil   16.58   3.29 100.00   0.00  68.89  13.68  88.74   4.08
## forest    107.57   7.95  95.74   2.84  94.00   6.65              
## grassland  36.97   9.99  69.00  17.55  78.00  11.60              
## urban_hd  102.61  15.74  92.46   8.40  81.63  10.95              
## urban_ld  183.33  17.21  85.47   6.20  94.00   6.65              
## water      20.14   4.29  89.12  19.01 100.00   0.00