R – Exercise IV

1) Create a data frame df that contains the following variables for at least four observations:

  • name: name of at least four friends or acquaintances
  • age: the age of those persons
  • size: the height of those persons in cm
  • city: Place of residence of those persons (city)
df <- data.frame(
  name = c("Anna", "Otto", "Natan", "Ede"), 
  age  = c(66, 53, 22, 36),
  size = c(170, 174, 182, 180),
  city = c("Hamburg", "Berlin", "Berlin", "Cologne")

##    name age size    city
## 1  Anna  66  170 Hamburg
## 2  Otto  53  174  Berlin
## 3 Natan  22  182  Berlin
## 4   Ede  36  180 Cologne

2) Examine the dimensionality, structure and statistical summary of your data frame df!

## [1] 4 4

## 'data.frame':    4 obs. of  4 variables:
##  $ name: Factor w/ 4 levels "Anna","Ede","Natan",..: 1 4 3 2
##  $ age : num  66 53 22 36
##  $ size: num  170 174 182 180
##  $ city: Factor w/ 3 levels "Berlin","Cologne",..: 3 1 1 2

##     name        age             size            city  
##  Anna :1   Min.   :22.00   Min.   :170.0   Berlin :2  
##  Ede  :1   1st Qu.:32.50   1st Qu.:173.0   Cologne:1  
##  Natan:1   Median :44.50   Median :177.0   Hamburg:1  
##  Otto :1   Mean   :44.25   Mean   :176.5              
##            3rd Qu.:56.25   3rd Qu.:180.5              
##            Max.   :66.00   Max.   :182.0

3) Index the second column with simple square brackets [] and save the output as df.subset! Which class does the output belong to?

df.subset <- df[2]

##   age
## 1  66
## 2  53
## 3  22
## 4  36

## [1] "data.frame"

4) Index the variable age with double square brackets [[]] and save the output as age.persons. Which class does the output belong to?

age.persons <- df[["alter"]]

# oder

age.persons <- df[[2]]

## [1] 66 53 22 36

## [1] "numeric"

5) Add the variable weight in kg to the data frame df!

df$weight <- c(115, 110.2, 95, 87)

##    name age size    city weight
## 1  Anna  66  170 Hamburg  115.0
## 2  Otto  53  174  Berlin  110.2
## 3 Natan  22  182  Berlin   95.0
## 4   Ede  36  180 Cologne   87.0

6) Add another observation (person) to your df!

new.person <- data.frame(
  "name"   = "Anna",
  "age"    = 32,
  "size"   = 174,
  "weight" = 63,
  "city"   = "Hamburg"

df <- rbind(df, new.person)

##    name age size    city weight
## 1  Anna  66  170 Hamburg  115.0
## 2  Otto  53  174  Berlin  110.2
## 3 Natan  22  182  Berlin   95.0
## 4   Ede  36  180 Cologne   87.0
## 5  Anna  32  174 Hamburg   63.0

7) Calculate the mean value of the variable age and save the result as ages.mean!

ages.mean <- mean(df$age)

8) Index all observations (persons) that are older than the average ages.mean!

df[df$age > ages.mean, ]

9) Index all persons, which are lighter than 100 kg AND at least 180 cm tall!

df[df$weight = 180, ]
##    name age size    city weight
## 3 Natan  22  182  Berlin     95
## 4   Ede  36  180 Cologne     87

# or

subset(df, df$weight = 180)
##    name age size    city weight
## 3 Natan  22  182  Berlin     95
## 4   Ede  36  180 Cologne     87