Preprocess L8 Exercise

1) Commenting on scripts is extremely useful, especially if you want to look at it later and understand what’s going on. Test your understanding of the script for pre-processing a single L8 scene shown in the previous section. Copy the following code into the script window of R-Studio. For each line, try to give a brief explanation of what is being done in the next line of code! (Explanation of the first line is given)

# load the raster library in the current session
# (needed for rasterstack and writeRaster)

product <- "/media/sf_exchange/landsatdata/LC081930232017060201T1-SC20180613160412.tar.gz"

productname <- substr(product, 1, nchar(product) - 7) 

untar(product, exdir = productname)

productfiles <- list.files(productname, full.names = TRUE)

bands <- c(grep('band1', productfiles, value=TRUE),
           grep('band2', productfiles, value=TRUE),
           grep('band3', productfiles, value=TRUE),
           grep('band4', productfiles, value=TRUE),
           grep('band5', productfiles, value=TRUE),
           grep('band6', productfiles, value=TRUE),
           grep('band7', productfiles, value=TRUE)

rasterstack <- stack( bands )

            paste0(productname, ".tif"), 
            format = "GTiff",
            overwrite = TRUE

unlink(productname, recursive=TRUE)

makeOVR <- paste0("gdaladdo -ro ", productname, ".tif 2 4 8 16")
system( makeOVR )

Done? Compare it with the solution:

# load the raster library in the current session
# (needed for rasterstack and writeRaster)

# define file path of a single L8 dataset 
product <- "/media/sf_exchange/landsatdata/LC081930232017060201T1-SC20180613160412.tar.gz"

# get the export folder for decompression by deleting suffix (.tar.gz) 
productname <- substr(product, 1, nchar(product) - 7) 

# decompress and save to export folder 
untar(product, exdir = productname)

# create a vector of all names of files in decompressed folder
productfiles <- list.files(productname, full.names = TRUE)

# search for individual bands inside file vector
bands <- c(grep('band1', productfiles, value=TRUE),
           grep('band2', productfiles, value=TRUE),
           grep('band3', productfiles, value=TRUE),
           grep('band4', productfiles, value=TRUE),
           grep('band5', productfiles, value=TRUE),
           grep('band6', productfiles, value=TRUE),
           grep('band7', productfiles, value=TRUE)

# create a rasterstack of the band selection
rasterstack <- stack( bands )

# write the rasterstack to hard drive
            paste0(productname, ".tif"), 
            format = "GTiff",
            overwrite = TRUE

# delete the uncompressed folder in order to save disc space
unlink(productname, recursive=TRUE)

# create pyramid layers for faster visualization
makeOVR <- paste0("gdaladdo -ro ", productname, ".tif 2 4 8 16")
system( makeOVR )

2) Download any Landsat-8 Level-1 dataset using the USGS EarthExplorer. Modify the code given in the previous task so that you create and store a datastack of all the spectral channels available in this Level-1 dataset!

product <- "/media/sf_exchange/landsatdata/LC081930232017060201T1-SC20180613160412.tar.gz"
productname <- substr(product, 1, nchar(product) - 7) 
untar(product, exdir = productname)
productfiles <- list.files(productname, full.names = TRUE)
bands <- c(grep('band1', productfiles, value=TRUE),
           grep('band2', productfiles, value=TRUE),
           grep('band3', productfiles, value=TRUE),
           grep('band4', productfiles, value=TRUE),
           grep('band5', productfiles, value=TRUE),
           grep('band6', productfiles, value=TRUE),
           grep('band7', productfiles, value=TRUE),
           grep('band8', productfiles, value=TRUE),
           grep('band9', productfiles, value=TRUE),
           grep('band10', productfiles, value=TRUE),
           grep('band11', productfiles, value=TRUE)
rasterstack <- stack( bands )
            paste0(productname, ".tif"), 
            format = "GTiff",
            overwrite = TRUE
unlink(productname, recursive=TRUE)
makeOVR <- paste0("gdaladdo -ro ", productname, ".tif 2 4 8 16")
system( makeOVR )