Toolbox-Newsletter Nr.14 – SoSe 23/24

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„Toolbox-Newsletter Nr.14 – SoSe 23/24“ weiterlesen

Feministische KI – Künstliche Intelligenz für alle?

The aim of this image is to highlight that data, in both its ‘raw’ and reinterpreted form in AI systems, has a human origin. While moving through different seemingly abstract systems, a recognition of this origin highlights the notion of “human in the loop” and pushes back against the notion of AI as a ‘black box’. This work explores this idea through the symbolism of the mirror and reflection. While there is a magic in looking at the output of an AI system, there is also a need to ground this in the realism that such outputs are a reflection of society - the good and the bad.

Künstliche Intelligenz geht uns alle an! Im vorgestellten Seminar lernen Studierende ihren alltäglichen Umgang mit KI-Anwendungen wie KI-Assistenzsystemen, Dating-Apps & Chat GPT aus soziotechnischer Perspektive kritisch zu analysieren, Gefahren und Potentiale zu identifizieren, feministisch neu zu denken und aktivistisch zu agieren.

„Feministische KI – Künstliche Intelligenz für alle?“ weiterlesen